Kidd Squid’s Brew for the Bay Helps Us Finish Off 2023 On A High Note!
Last Friday, December 15th we celebrated the release of our special beer collaboration with Kidd Squid Brewing Co. at their brewery in Sag Harbor. Before the event was even over, every last case, can, and keg was gone! We are so grateful for the overwhelming support of the Sag Harbor community and everyone who purchased the special Hazy IPA (produced with all NY sourced grain!), dubbed the “Brew for the Bay Sag Harbor”.
This is not our first Brew for the Bay collab, but it is definitely our most successful one to date, thanks to the amazing forces of nature behind this collaboration - our key Sag Harbor Stewardship Site supporter Shawn Sachs, and owners of Kidd Squid, Rory McEvoy and Grainne Coen. The time from concept, to brewing and packing, to selling out was less than 3 months and our friends at Kidd Squid not only pulled this off, but did so with the commitment to donate 100% of proceeds to our Back to the Bays Initiative, specifically in support of the establishment of our Sag Harbor Stewardship Site.
A few days prior to our Brew for the Bay release party, we presented at the Sag Harbor Village Meeting at the invitation of Mayor Gardella on what we have planned for this new Stewardship Site in 2024.
Following our presentation the Mayor and Trustees offered their support across the board for what we proposed, and we were even met with a round of applause from the community members in attendance! We are so excited to further engage with the Sag Harbor community as we work together to give back to the bays next year and beyond. With the support of the Village officials, we will work in the coming months to refine the site of our new spat-on-shell oyster reef in Sag Harbor waters and obtain the permits and permissions needed for this project. We’ll also be finalizing plans for our stewardship sessions and education efforts centered around the habitat and shellfish restoration we will be able to conduct in 2024 thanks to the proceeds from the Brew for the Bays and the Sag Harbor Stewardship Site Campaign.
We are beyond excited to bring our Back to the Bays Initiative to Sag Harbor by expanding efforts in this area in the coming year, and continuing the partnerships we’ve forged with Kidd Squid and key community leaders we’ve been working with throughout the past 6 months. More to come, but keep up with the latest on our dedicated Sag Harbor Stewardship Site Page.
The beer may be gone, but we are still raising funds in support of Sag Harbor based work. Please consider a contribution, the more we raise the more we can give back to the bays!
Celebrating with Shawn Sachs, Back to the Bays Donor (second from right), and Ann Welker, Suffolk County Legislator Elect (far right).