
Stewardship Site


Background + Goals

CCE Marine’s Back to the Bays Initiative has partnered with the Quogue Association, Hampton Jitney, the Village of Quogue, and Suffolk County to establish a new Quogue Stewardship Site. In early summer 2024, we installed and maintained an “Oyster Restoration Raft” to grow-out clusters of juvenile spat-on-shell oysters, in support of the creation of local oyster reefs. With the generous dedication of the Quogue community and Junior Ambassadors, we successfully deployed our first Spat-on-Shell Oyster Reef in Quogue village water!

We will also be conducting science-based site suitability studies required to identify the potential for this site to support some of the other key restoration activities Back to the Bays conducts, including hard clam and bay scallop plantings, marine and coastal habitat restoration, and seahorse conservation and monitoring efforts!

Oyster Reef Deployment

Spat-on-shell oysters grown out in our floating restoration raft, are transported to the desired reef site.

Metrics, like average shell size are taken before deployment to determine growth rates.

Volumetric estimations are used to determine approximately how many spat-on-shell oysters are being planted.

Stewards and junior ambassadors help transfer large amounts of oysters to final location. These oyster will continue to grow into a reef, providing 3D habitat structure for local marine life, improving water quality by filter-feeding, and prevent erosion!


This project is supported by

Quogue Junior Ambassadors

As part of this project, we engaged local teen volunteers interested in supporting healthy marine environments. Our Junior Ambassadors received hands-on opportunities to learn about CCE Marine’s habitat and shellfish restoration work, participated in public Stewardship Sessions at the nearby Tiana Bayside Stewardship Site, and helped Back to the Bays raise awareness and funds among their community members in Quogue Village.

Upon successful completion of the requirements, participants are awarded an official Back to the Bays Junior Ambassador certificate recognizing their commitment to the environment, and community services provided in helping with this important initiative.

Thank you to all of our Ambassadors and their supporting families!

Want to get involved?
Consider becoming a Back to the Bays Steward!

Fundraising Campaign

In order to scale up the number of oysters produced in 2025 and beyond we need your help! We are off to a great start with the establishment of a Quogue Stewardship Site, and taking the steps necessary to create a new oyster reef in Quogue waters in 2024, but the long term vision includes paring this work with a multitude of other species and habitat restoration efforts. With additional support we will be able to work towards having this site be a receiving area for hard clam and bay scallop plantings, assessing the feasibility of creating a new eelgrass meadow and seahorse hotel structure, increasing our local school and community education and stewardship programming, and more!